Stories & Songs: Albert Askoty singing the Dreamer Gaayęą's "Prairie Chicken Song," 1990s.
Dane Wajich - Dane-ẕaa Stories & Songs: Dreamers and the Land See more of the Virtual Museum of Canada

Albert Askoty singing the Dreamer Gaayęą's "Prairie Chicken Song," 1990s.
Albert Askoty singing Gaayęą's Prairie Chicken Song, 1990s.

Albert Askoty singing the Dreamer Gaayęą's "Prairie Chicken Song," 1990s. Gaayęą brought this song back from Heaven in a dream at Sweeney Creek. The drummers and singers camped there helped Gaayęą to remember the song by singing it over and over.

©2000 Doig River First Nation. Dane-zaa Dreamers' Songs Vol 1: Track 21.
Recorded by Gary Oker. Catalog # GO ?1990s.

© 2007 Doig River First Nation. All Rights Reserved.