Stories & Songs: Tommy Attachie singing a song by the Dreamer Nááchę (John Notseta), 2001.
Dane Wajich - Dane-ẕaa Stories & Songs: Dreamers and the Land See more of the Virtual Museum of Canada

Tommy Attachie singing a song by the Dreamer Nááchę (John Notseta), 2001.
Tommy Attachie singing a Nááchę song, 2001.

Tommy Attachie singing a song by the Dreamer Nááchę (John Notseta), Petersen's Crossing, 2001. The Dreamer Nááchę (John Notseta) travelled from the Prophet River area to the Montney area from time to time to sing Dreamers' songs like this one for Dane-zaa gathered there.

©2000 Doig River First Nation. Dane-zaa Dreamers' Songs Vol 1: Track 25.
Recorded by Robin Ridington. Catalog # DZ01-23.

© 2007 Doig River First Nation. All Rights Reserved.