Dreamers & The Land - Dreamers : Ak'ize / Aama

Dreamers & The Land | DREAMERS


Ak'ize / Aama

Born 1873. Died around 1970.

Ak'ize came from McLeod Lake and moved to the Halfway River area. She was also called Aama which is the way that our people pronounced her English name, Emma. Her full English name was Emma Skookum.

Ak'ize became a Dreamer when she lost her eyesight. She and Charlie Yahey were the only Dreamers alive after the death of Oker in 1952.

She was photographed by J.C. Bioleau Grant in 1929 as he traveled through our Dane-zaa lands studying our people. Anthropologists Robin Ridington and Antonia Mills photographed her and recorded her singing and oratory in 1966.