Doig River First Nation social media pages are a wonderful way to connect with community members and share information and resources with the many individuals, families and businesses we are here to support. We have developed guidelines to ensure a positive and constructive space for discussion and to ensure a safe, respectful and inclusive experience for our online community.
We commit to the following values:
All content developed and published on this page is vetted for accuracy and approved by the Administration of Doig River First Nation.
Safety and Respect
We’re committed to ensuring this page is a safe, secure, and respectful place for all community members. Please be respectful to others, even if you disagree with them. When needed, we will act to remove any content that could contribute to a risk of harm for the physical and or financial security of persons.
Any content that conflicts with the following criteria will be removed:
- Violates or is subject to any terms of confidentiality as defined by administrative policies
- May be construed and or is likely to be related to spam or misleading information
- Incites discrimination or hatred based on age, religion, ethnicity, gender identity or based on other protected characteristics
- Abusive, vulgar, rude, or offensive
- Violates personal privacy or would create a security concern relating to another person
- Violent, hateful, defamatory, libelous, unlawful or obscene content
- Inciting violence or suicide
We’re committed to protecting personalWe’re committed to protecting personal privacy and information of all community members. Any content shared by individuals that may compromise personal or financial information about themselves or others will be immediately removed.