To implement treaty by protecting and preserving our land, water, air, and wildlife so we may practice our culture for so long as the sun shines, the river flows and the grasses grow.
Core Community Services
The core community services provided by the Lands and Resources department are to:
Facilitate Treaty implementation on behalf of members by:
- Lands and environmental stewardship of DRFN territory
- Land use planning, wildlife management and water initiatives
- Conducting and coordinating Traditional Land Use Studies
- Engaging in consultation with the provincial and federal regulatory bodies
- Engagement with industrial proponents in the territory to mitigate impacts to treaty rights
- Participation in federal and provincial tables and initiatives
- Records management
- Mapping and GIS
- Engaging with DRFN membership on issues of concern and interest on the land base, coordinating of Elder field trips and community meetings.
- Coordinating monitor and environmental employment opportunities for DRFN members
- Special projects to ensure the youth and elders have a guardianship role in the territory
Jennifer McCracken
Lands and Resources Manager
Lands and Resources Department Staff
Jennifer Liddicoat
Land Administrator
Gord Haines
GIS Manager
Mark Hotz
GIS Coordinator
Sara Rowe
Forestry Manager
Wes Rothlisberger
Oil and Gas Program Manager
Charmayne Brinkworth
BC Hydro Liaison
Shawn Harding
Field Technician
Tyson Solmonson
Program Coordinator
Lester Davis
Aboriginal Liaison for Resource Development
Kayla Read
Restoration Coordinator
Marina Goodbun
Lands Guardian
Detailed contact information for our staff and departments can be found on our Contact page.
Lands and Resources Department Gallery
In October 2021, Doig River citizens and other members of the Chuu Ghadaah (Water is Alive) project team met to discuss the changes on the land that have resulted in impacts to water in the Doig and Osborne watersheds. This video provides input from community members, emphasizing the importance of clean water to them and the changes to water quality they have witnessed over the years.
More on the Chuu Ghadaah Project here.