Aboriginal Head Start Preschool & Family Support
DRFN is excited to offer Tsaa? Natsadle (Little Beavers) Aboriginal Head Start On-Reserve (AHSOR), an early learning initiative funded by the First Nations Health Authority. The program supports activities focused on early childhood learning and development for First Nations children from birth to age six and their families.
This program will be delivered in our new state of the art facility, Dane che’ adliih dę’ kwą (Peoples Prayer House). It will be provided as a licensed pre-school as per the BC Childcare Licensing Regulations.
The goal of the program is to support activities that are designed and delivered by First Nations communities to meet their unique needs and priorities.
Early life is critical to lifelong health. AHSOR focuses on early childhood development, in a culturally appropriate manner, to support the spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical growth of a child.
The AHSOR initiative encourages children to enjoy life-long learning and supports parents, guardians and extended family members as primary teachers.
Emma Pouce Coupe & Margaret Rothlisberger with grandbaby.
AHSOR also encourages parents and the broader First Nations community to play a role in planning, implementing and evaluating the program. It builds partnerships with other community programs and services to enhance its’ effectiveness and encourages the best use of community resources for children, parents, families, and communities.[1]
Program Objectives
The objectives of the AHSOR are to:
- Support the spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical growth of each child
- Support and encourage children to enjoy life-long learning
- Support parents, guardians and extended family members as the primary teachers
- Encourage parents and the broader First Nations community to play a role in planning, developing, implementing and evaluating the AHSOR Program
- Build relationships and coordinate with other community programs and services to enhance the effectiveness of the program
- Encourage the best use of community resources for children, as well as for their parents, families and communities
Core Elements
The core elements to the AHSOR program are:
Culture and Language-promotes and supports children experiencing their First Nation culture and learning their language.
Education-promotes life-long learning by promoting activities and events that encourage children’s readiness to learn skills and focus on their physical, spiritual, emotional, intellectual and social development needs.
Health Promotion-encourages children and families to live healthy lives by following healthy lifestyle practices.
Nutrition-teaches children and families about healthy foods that will help them meet their nutritional needs.
Social Support-assists parents and guardians to become aware of the resources available to them in achieving a healthy and holistic lifestyle
Parental and Family Involvement-recognizes and supports the role of parents and family as the primary teachers and caregivers of their children.
For more information on Tsaa? Natsadle Aboriginal Head Start contact:
Sharon MacDonald, Community Services Manager
Shawna Green, Aboriginal Head Start/Education Assistant
Detailed contact information for our staff and departments can be found on our Contact page.
[1] https://www.fnha.ca/what-we-do/maternal-child-and-family-health/aboriginal-head-start-on-reserve