The current population of DRFN consists of 335 individuals. There are approximately 132 individuals currently living on the DRFN IR #206 and 167 living off reserve (INAC, 2019). The figure below shows the registered population living on and off reserve.
Doig River First Nation Registered Population

2016 Census Data indicated that 39.1% of DRFN’s population learned the Dane-zaa Záágé language first, with 26.2% speaking the language in their homes. In total 56.5% of DRFN’s on-reserve population speaks Dane-zaa Záágé (INAC, 2019).
A comparison of age within the on-reserve population of 115 individuals from the 2016 Census Data and the 125 individuals in the 2006 Census Data is shown in the figure below. In 2016 the median age of DRFN residents was 40.9 years old and in 2006 the median age was 29.5 years old (INAC, 2019). This comparison demonstrates DRFN’s population is aging.
Doig River First Nation Population Age Characteristics

In the DRFN CCP, DRFN projected that its population is anticipated to increase by 23.2% by the year 2033 (DRFN CCP, 2017). From historic population data, DRFN predicts a 1.65% average annual growth rate. As such, it is anticipated that the overall population of all registered members is expected to increase to approximately 372 individuals by 2030 and the on-reserve population is expected to increase to 321 individuals in a “high growth scenario” or 228 individuals in a “low growth scenario” (DRFN CCP, 2017).
Aside of the projected population, current trends from the 2006 and 2016 Census Data have shown a decrease in the total registered population residing on reserve, with 124 individuals in 2006, decreasing to 115 individuals in 2016 (INAC, 2019). Off reserve, DRFN members reside in various urban and rural areas across Canada are shown in the figure below.