Introducing Tracey Byam

May 3, 2023

Hi, I’m Tracey Byam, Doig’s new Human Resources Manager.

I’ve been in HR for over 20 years with a background in oil & gas, lumber mills, pulp & paper mills. I worked at DRFN 7 years ago for a short period before moving to the west coast and Vancouver Island. I met my husband while I was there, and now we have moved back to Fort St. John with our 2 dogs, Georgie and Coco. I am looking forward to some camping and fishing this summer, enjoying the outdoors, hiking with the dogs. My husband is really looking forward to seeing the northern lights, he’s never seen them before! I’m excited to be back at Doig River First Nation 😊  Can’t wait for Doig Day and all of the great events that happen at Doig River!

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