Due to the fires and evacuation alerts, our annual Doig Day was moved ahead to June 8th this year and was a rousing success! We had approximately 450 grade 4 students along with teachers and some parents come out to the arbor grounds where we were set up with booths of traditional activities.
We had booths for hide fleshing, scraping, stretching, flouring and smoking. We had dry meat cutting and a dry meat rack. We also had an archeology dig and obsidian arrow making plus trapping and carving beavers. There was also a moose antler ring toss, drumming tent and more! So much for people to experience and learn from. Of course, we made bannock for everyone too, served with strawberry jam and butter. So much to offer and so much to do!
The end of the afternoon included drumming, singing and dancing by the participants to the beat of the drums. So fun! For lots of pictures go here to the gallery at the bottom of the website! 🙂